Biggest style mistakes that i've ever  made now before i start the list of  embarrassing mistakes that i've made and  show you all of the photos that will you  know for sure be used as memes for a  long time i just want to say that my  special project for the hundred thieves  is out now nate shot and i hosted the  show boost which is a series in which we  give gamers a huge transformation we  basically style them in something that  they would never normally wear but trust  me it looks awesome .  


             Where i would just leave  a tiny little chin strap it was like as  thin as i could possibly get it i would  do it myself i didn't get it done  professionally i would just literally  sit there in front of the mirror and  just try to get that line as thin as  possible to connect from my sideburns  . All the way around my jaw and to my chin  i don't know why it was just kind of  like some guys had it on tv and it was  somewhat trending and i did it  looking back now it just looks so stupid  it looks like you're trying to frame  your face good times though good times i  i went to my prom with a chin strap and  i have photos . 


              Just  doing  dumb things like that you know i don't  know why it's just funny looking back  now and i'm like what why did i pose  like that what was i trying to do what  does this mean you know what does this  mean so the thing is like taking photos  . You pose right i'm pretty good at  it now  but it's my job back then i had no idea  what to do i had no idea how to pose i  had no idea how to take photos so i  would do something with my hands because  it feels awkward when you're in front of  a camera and you just don't know what to  do with your hands like what do you do  right so i think this was my like i know  what to do with my hands pose . But really  it's not very good so highly recommend  you don't do this all right find  something else to do with your hands do  this be holding something that's the  best thing that you can do is literally  use a prop right a phone whatever hold  something . I think honestly if there's something that  you  want to do with your hands like this  that this this don't do it  i would rather you just keep your hands  low you know hold him down here by your  waist or your like honestly put them in  your pockets that's totally fine  that's much better than doing.  


            Cracking up because it's just  you know going back into like it's like  a time machine going back into that time  and i thought i was so cool  i had double you know diamond earrings  and they were like pretty thick at the  time like wearing the big diamond studs  or i had the actual like big diamond  earrings  . It was just i thought it looked cool  but looking back now again it's one of  those things that definitely did not  look as cool as i thought in general  earrings are pretty tough to style i  think now we're having like a resurgence  like guys are wearing earrings again . It'll come and go as usual  but most guys don't wear earrings and  most guys don't really look good in  earrings and i think i was one of those  guys that i thought i would look good  wearing two earrings and i was like i  thought i looked good  it just didn't it really didn't look  good i still have this one pierced i  could wear earrings on this one if i  wanted to this one closed it shut which  is good but this one i mean you can you  can still tell that i had it i think by  now you guys realize that back then i  was literally just trying things out  there wasn't you know a person on  youtube telling me what was cool what  was trending it was tv  it was some movie so i would see things  and i would try them out but you know  the reality is it just didn't look very  good  but i  really loved that time in my life  . Because i experimented i tried something  new right i really did i went out of my  way to get like spiky hair and the chin  strap and the earrings and it looked  weird but you know what i learned how to  use hair products . I learned how to trim  my beard properly that was all like me  experimenting and trying new things so i  really appreciate that time of my life  uh and fashion . 


             I would just have  to keep pulling them up but that was a  trend at the time and it's just i don't  know why it was ever a trend it never  looked good it wasn't really comfortable  it wasn't practical so you know looking  back now i'm like why the hell was i  ever wearing that that makes no sense  whatsoever and nowadays i still see some  guys wearing. Those saggy pants and i can  see their underwear you know their whole  asses out i'm like what are you doing so  i don't know why people still do that it  is not comfortable it does not look good  so if you wear saggy pants just get a  belt or get pants that fit.


                              Early 20s i would say probably like  probably like 1920 and that was too late  i think i really wish that i  experimented more in high school that i  tried new things in even middle school  right just . Because i was like wearing  all generic fashion just very basic my  hair was the same through you know  elementary school in middle school all  the way up to high school so i really  wish  . Because i want you guys to try new  things i want you you guys to step out  of your comfort zone to try something  new because you never know sometimes you  might end up with a chin strap other  times you might end up with a great  looking beard .


              When i was like 1920 was  with spiky hair  and that is my next biggest  style mistake honestly the spiky hair it  just didn't look good  it looked really greasy because i used  gel first of all so back in the day gel  was the thing you know . I used to get the  huge tub of gel for like five bucks at  cvs and then just put all of it on my  hair and that was not ideal it just  looked super greasy it was really hard  to the touch you can't really run your  fingers through your hair like i can do  now yeah there's hold in my hair. But i  can move it around change it and then it  literally just goes right back with the  gel situation  it didn't look good and i had this  hairstyle where it would just be kind of  very tight here in the bottom and then  it would just come out and start getting  spiky from the sides all the way to the  top and every time i went to my barber i  would say all right i'm getting it again  it's it's the torch because it literally  looks like a a torch and i'm i don't  know why  it wasn't a good idea i had that  hairstyle .


                      I thought that bulking  up and getting massive and muscular and  super big was a thing to do that was  like the thing to do for me i'm going to  get big i don't care about definition i  just want to be big i want to put on a  t-shirt and i want to look massive right  so i did that i was eating a lot . l was  working out a lot lifting super heavy  didn't care about stretching didn't care  about my health really i just wanted to  look a certain way and that was a big  mistake as you get older you realize  .