Men's style to grooming health and even dating advice it's my job to help you live a better life to make you look and feel amazing.
When you close your eyes and you visualize what you want right you start to create this image you start to create this movie of future you doing well hitting the goals . You want right that immediately sets you apart from everybody else that can give you an insane amount of drive because now you see it it's so close it's right there right. But when you don't know what you want when you don't know what your goals are if you're not looking . If you're not visualizing then you don't know where you're going you don't know where you're headed you might even be working really hard to go in this direction when you close your eyes and really think about it you need to be going this way that's your goal do this even for small goals .
There are so many distractions out here right now you have social media you have dating apps right you have meeting up with girls from from those dating apps you have so much. Just so much entertainment netflix hulu disney plus everything going on all these ads trying to grab . Your attention right there's a lot going on you're being pulled in so many different directions but you need to focus and it's really really difficult i get it but if you can learn how to overcome . This procrastination how to overcome this loss of focus then you can really hone into your craft hone into what you're good at and crush so instead of just being like oh i'm going to do my work later i'm going to study later . Your work now do not procrastinate because that is a bad bad habit that you're building something.
Meaningful things meaningful topics right i was talking to a lot of people and meeting a lot of people but it was a lot of small talk meaningless things and i wish i went a little bit deeper everyone . You talk to in your 20s ask them about themselves ask them more try to find out who they really are not you know what do you do not when did you move. What are you up to tonight who are you tell me more i want to learn something from you try to learn something from everyone that you talk to and trust me your life will be so much better the connections that you make and also your conversational skills the truth is small talk kind of sucks it's pointless and speaking of talking to people and making . You're learning and growing as a person i want to take a second here to thank our sponsors today better help better help is an online service that will definitely improve your mental health to make sure that you're the best version of yourself it's one of the best ways to gain access to a licensed therapist and they're all ready to listen to you to help you to make you feel better about your life right so you can talk to them it's not a crisis line it's not like self-help it's professional counseling done online . Safely privately you can start talking to them within 48 hours and the service is available worldwide basically with better help you have access to your preferred therapist anytime you need help even early in the morning there are over 12 000 licensed therapists there which means one of them will definitely be available to talk to you you can log into your account anytime send a message to your counselor. You can get timely and thoughtful responses plus you can schedule a weekly video or phone session so that you don't have to wait in an uncomfortable you know waiting room for you to talk to a therapist to talk to a licensed person. t need to talk to anyone i got this you know but sometimes it's good talk to people who are unbiased who don't know you who don't know your friends who don't know the people around you because their feedback is extremely important because it's unbiased .
The truth date a variety of people i'm just gonna say it you know what i have had a few ex-girlfriends and i've learned a lot from those relationships it didn't work out and that's okay you know but i learned a lot from those relationships and i wouldn't have added otherwise so when you date different people . You learn from them but you also learn a lot about yourself you learn about who you are and what kind of person you are right you might date someone and you think you're this kind of person . Gonna go this way and that's perfect that's what you want you want to learn more about yourself so the more experiences you have right the more people that you connect with the more you understand who you are and who you want to be with that's extremely important i know so many guys were like oh this is the person . You know this is the one my first and that's it and and then you know a year or two later they're like oh i messed up that was a waste of time that was bad honestly it's not a waste of time it is not you're always learning my advice is date a variety of people . In your 20s that is the time for you to learn more about yourself that is a time for you to experiment so that you can have an amazing life later on because you're going to know exactly who you are exactly what you want and who you want to be now of course there's got to be a money habit .
A lot of people just don't really think about their future selves they think about themselves now oh well i could . you know i could pass away tomorrow so why am i going to save money for tomorrow who knows what's going to happen tomorrow that's also the problem you could get sick you could crash your car a family member could get sick or need your help right it's very very important that you start planning for the future now the earlier the better now i'm not saying have a boring life and save all of your money for later. On what i'm saying is live a great life but live within your means and then just save a percentage maybe 10 20 of that save it invest it because later.
The older exercise regularly you have to make sure that you are healthy start building those habits those healthy lifestyle habits eating healthy exercising right maybe have a hobby or some type of sport something that you play on the weekends with your with your friends be active make sure that you're going to the doctor for a checkup at least once a year and yeah i'm looking at you the guy who goes to the doctor every three four five years that is not good enough make sure that you are building these healthy habits now in your 20s because trust me in your 30s it's a whole different ball game i mean it's a lot harder you know to be lean to be buff to be healthy in your 30s than your 20s trust me go ahead and start that now now when it comes to living healthy it's not just about eating healthy working.
Out and going to the doctor of course if you have bad habits you got to kick them . You got it's got to end before your 30s otherwise you're set for life with those habits you're going to continue to to do that and i'm talking about smoking too much drinking too much or who well you know doing whatever else that you do in your 20s experimenting with things that's gotta . You know i think smoking a cigar here and there with your friends that's fine drinking a margarita you know . When you're on vacation a mojito that's fine or a glass of a nice glass of whiskey with a friend that's completely fine once in a while in moderation just make sure that you're kicking a bad habit as long as it's not a habit.