I'm guessing it's because you want to improve your dating life or your social skills around women and that's completely natural you should want to date amazing women because when you meet the right type of girl the one that just vibes with you, appreciates your quirks, your sense of humor. It's awesome having chemistry with a genuinely good girl that's into you is one of the best feelings in the world however there are gonna be times when you bump into the wrong types of women the kind who might look to be your exact type physically but if you knew who she was on the inside you'd run away immediately. So today we're gonna answer the question how do we identify these types of girls you want to avoid at all costs more specifically, we're gonna go through seven specific red flags that if you can recognize in a girl.
1. Woman with daddy issues :
Let's get straight to it number one women with daddy issues are and let me clarify what i mean by this, see when a girl is born her, dad is like her first male role model he's the first man that she gives and receives love from so in a lot of ways her relationship with her father is the most important one. Because it was the first one and it sets the tone for how she'll relate to other guys later on in her life. If she has a father who treats her with respect always supporting her and is generally a good dependable dad. She'll have a much healthier view on how men are in general she'll be more trusting of them since she knows there are some good men in the world on the other hand if she had a terrible relationship with her dad then that will have an equally powerful impact on her but in a bad way. For example, if her dad was way too overprotective. She might be wary of guys in the future trying to control her so she might act out and do crazy things just to affirm her independence. If her dad yelled at her a lot or was even physically abusive that she might have long lasting trauma that affects how she can relate to other men. If her boyfriend raises his voice even the slightest bit, she might break down and start having flashbacks of bad memories with her father. You see a girl that has a terrible relationship with her dad is a huge red flag because a poor role model in a father means that she won't know what to look for in a man since she never had that caring masculine presence in her life. She won't know how to identify good men from toxic men. She might hold resentment towards all men because her initial experience with one her dad tainted her perception and it could be really hard for her to get over those past daddy issues. She needs to deal with her own destructive behaviors before putting another man on the receiving end of her trauma so take this as a red flag and run away.
2. Women who always end up with the bad boy:
I know it's a bit of a stereotype that nice guys finish last and that girls love a bad boy and to an extent this is true especially when we're younger but there's a difference between a girl who can appreciate the mysterious exciting nature of a bad boy and a girl who only goes for bad boys at a certain point. When she's venting to you about how she always ends up with low quality guys who hurt her then that either means she's a poor judge of character or it means this is truly her preference. Now, if you want to keep things casual with this girl and not looking to seriously date her then i guess this red flag isn't as much of a deal but if you're looking at this woman as girlfriend or wifey material. Someone you're gonna commit to long term then you're gonna be in for a bad time from my experience. There's always a lot of drama involved with women like this because of her tendency to be attracted to people and things that are bad for her so this is another red flag you definitely need to be aware of it.
3.Girls who are addicted to social media:
This is a huge one for me personally and a pet peeve of mine. There are few things that turn me off more than a girl who literally can't put her phone down even during important life events. Reason being girls who use social media all the time crave attention and validation way too much and since she uses social media as a way to gain approval and validation from her peers. It means that those artificial numbers on the screen constitute a big part of her self-esteem her self-image and so it's this nasty downward spiral. She's hooked on the validation the likes the comments they feed her ego her self-esteem and so now she needs to maintain her online personal in order to keep up the steady supply of likes that make her feel high which only increases her dependence on it. This is why i always compare women who are addicted to social media to guys who are addicted to porn because both give you a temporary virtual high it tickles you in those pleasure centers in your brain. But it ultimately does nothing to actually better your life so definitely take notice if your date is constantly scrolling through instagram on your first date cause it's a big red flag.
4. if she already has a boyfriend :
This sounds obvious but you'd be surprised how many guys still go for girls who are flirting with them even though they already have a boyfriend. It's probably because most guys think with the wrong head if you know what i mean. So let's say you meet a girl through some friends you ask her out on a dinner date and she says yes then once you two are at the restaurant. She admits to you that she has a boyfriend but she still wants to be friends well if a girl would go on a date with a dude who made it clear that it was a date then tries to get him to be her friend instead you know what that tells me. It tells me that she secretly playing the field while she has a boyfriend and she's trying to line up potential backup plans in case her current relationship doesn't work out and even if things magically do work out between you and her. Let's say she breaks up with her boyfriend cause she likes you more well there's nothing stopping her from doing the exact same thing to you once she meets another guy, she likes more than you so next time a girl is flirty or goes on a date with you even when she's already in a relationship take that as a huge red flag.
5. Women who are flakes :
This one is actually a pet peeve of mine not just with women but with people in general if you're not aware of what a flake is basically it's someone who tells you they're gonna be somewhere but then they don't show up. For example, if she agrees over text to meet you somewhere for a date but then on the day of it. She doesn't show up and ignores all your texts i'm pretty sure i don't need to tell you that trust is such an important aspect of a strong healthy relationship. When a girl flakes on you without even letting you know she's telling you that she's untrustworthy and i think in general when someone flakes on other people a lot it communicates something about them on a deeper level that they fail to follow through on their commitments. A girl or guy who flakes under dates also tend to flake on their other commitments whether it's her employer her friends even her own family maybe you never want to be committed to someone who's scared of that word so take flaking as one of the biggest red flags.
6. She's way too focused on the external things :
If this girl that you're seeing only wants to talk about external materialistic things like career what type of clothes she likes and just overall flashy things like cars and jewelry that to me personally is a big red flag. Vain women are never very interesting and they lack a certain depth a centeredness that's very important to their femininity an even bigger red flag is when they focus on external things when it comes to you especially like if she's way more interested in your external attributes how much money you make with serialistic things like that instead of your inner qualities like your values how you treat people less fortunate being playful and fun.
7. Having way too many guy friends :
This one is almost a bit related to number four but when a girl has an insane number of guy friends not just a few. It also tells me that she might be keeping her options open based on personal experience. A lot of her guy friends might secretly like her but they're too afraid to actually ask her out and risk getting rejected so they settle for being her guy buddy friend zoning themselves basically and the thing is most of the time girls know that these guy friends of hers might have feelings for her but she doesn't mind. Because she likes the attention the self-esteem boost and again she might be keeping one of these guys around as a potential backup boyfriend.if things don't work out with her current partner and even worse these guys might be super protective of her because as we just mentioned they secretly want to get with her but lack the courage to ask her out. She might be stringing these guys along for her own benefit, so her guy friends might treat you with extra hostility or maybe even outright try to sabotage things between you and her. So keep this in the back of your mind if the girl you're seeing has a bunch of almost exclusively guy friends as it may very well be a red flag.