The amount of success one sees in life has a direct correlation with their level of sensitivity if you are someone who gets bothered by every little obstacle that pops up then you're gonna spend a lot of mental energy on these things which ends up distracting you from the bigger things that you should actually be doing you'll also find yourself plagued with negative emotions that drain your energy preventing you from taking action which is why today i want to go over three practical things that you can do to decrease your level of sensitivity.

1.Anti-fragility mindset:

                   That is anti-fragile gets stronger the more it's damaged or placed under pressure a great example of this is the mythical hydra every time you cut off one head to grow back in its place a person that has an anti-fragility mindset is  essentially someone who becomes stronger the more mistakes he or she makes and if you think about it this is actually pretty accurate because one of the most powerful ways to learn something is by making a painful mistake the pain brands the lesson in your mind for the rest of your life making your instinct sharper and your decision making wiser those that have the opposite of this those that have the fragility mindset end up moving throughout life so carefully to the point where they will self-sabotage themselves from succeeding because they are so scared of making a mistake along the way and being labeled as a failure what they don't understand is that it's good to fail it only makes you stronger which means the faster you fail the faster you eventually succeed in order to cultivate this belief you can simply repeat something like messing up only makes me stronger every time you make a mistake and over time with enough repetitions you will start to believe it and everything will become a win-win situation.

2.Build up a habit of meditation:

                      Very few people can honestly say that nothing ever bothers them however the intensity of the negative emotions that you feel and the duration of how long you feel them is definitely something that you can change and this all depends on how much control you have over your own thoughts when something bad happens to us we usually start thinking about it replaying and reliving it in our heads dozens of times over often over exaggerating just how bad we did and this causes us to feel worse and worse over time but if you manage to build up a habit of meditation you will gain the ability to step back and distance yourself from such thoughts over time you will even be able to manually insert thoughts into your thinking such as the anti-fragility ones imagine being embarrassed about what you said to someone and worrying about it all day but then being able to step back and say wait it's good that i made this mistake all of a sudden you've transformed an evening of worry and self-pity into an evening of hope where you feel like you learned a valuable lesson that's the power of meditation if you like to learn more about it i'll include a link in the description box below to a playlist that teaches you about the other benefits.

3.Zoooming out:

                Most of you are currently zoomed in you're looking at your life through a microscope you might be focusing in on your school your work or even your home environment it doesn't really matter because as long as you are looking at things through this microscope problems that appear in these environments will always seem big little drama between who dislikes who or he said she said end up becoming huge issues in your life taking up 25 to 50 of your daily mental energy because when you're that zoomed in they literally take up that much space to counter this you must zoom out and the easiest way to do this is by spending time thinking about how small you are in the grand scheme of things i like to envision myself as a teeny tiny ant on a planet in a universe of trillions and trillions of stars i also like to think about how many people there are on this planet and how each of them have their own lives and their own problems many of which are much more serious than mine the more you think about things  like this the more you start to realize how small and insignificant you are compared to everything else you start to realize wow all of these things that i used to worry about all day there are nothing in the big scheme of things try to zoom out as much as possible and you will become less sensitive.