Today, we see that cognitive distortions which are not thoughts. There are ways of thinking we actively engage in sometimes unknowingly persistent. Cognitive distortions can worsen or create mental health issues. Distorted thoughts are habits and we can learn to change them ultimately preventing these unhealthy habits from promoting unhealthy thinking styles. Here are five common habits that distort how you think.
1. Over-generalization :
After a failed past relationship deleting dating apps or rescuing relationships altogether is the standard course of action. Over-generalization is a cognitive distortion where you might base all your information on a single incident. This kind of thinking is limiting and sets you up for all distorted thinking and emotional pain. It establishes self-defeat before even going to battle. Most times over generalizations are inaccurate. Your mind is like a sound board, the ideas you play over in your head eventually make up the melody. If you find yourself over generalizing an action or event pause.
2. Labeling :
Labeling or mislabeling is an extreme form of overgeneralizing. An example of labeling would be when ignoring context someone might label another as a jerk. If they rub them the wrong way, it's either globally self-directed or directed towards others in reality. Labeling is just another term for prejudice harboring ill thoughts about someone you or someone else without sufficient evidence to support your thought. Mislabeling typically involves highly colored and emotional language often you tend to label without contex. A first step to combating these kinds of distorted thoughts is identifying them.
3. Blaming :
Do you constantly feel that in your life there are certain things just out of your control or that bad things happen regardless of how careful you are ? However this does not absolve you from taking control of what you can control a common habit that distorts the way you think is blaming. An example of blaming can look like this stop making me feel bad about myself. You may feel called out by someone's comment but like Eleanor Roosevelt said, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Blaming involves holding other people or situations accountable for your emotional pain in some cases. It can also go the other way blaming yourself for everything that happens even when it is out of your control. This thought habit encourages you to not take responsibility or accountability for what happens to you although there will be things in your life that you cannot control hold yourself accountable for the things you can your actions and emotions.
4. Magnification :
Do what if plague you into imagining the absolute worst in every situation? What if i do badly on this test or what if i get tongue-tied at the interview? Magnification or catastrophizing is when you negatively exaggerate the outcome. You are in a state of anxiety about the negative possibilities thus causing you to exaggerate the significance of unimportant events such as a social blunder or someone else's achievement. Magnification is harmful because it keeps you frozen too scared to move forward the same can be said for magnification's cousin minimization. An example of minimization is when you downplay a personal achievement I did score high on the test but i'm not that smart.
5. Emotional reasoning :
It is easy to let emotions overwhelm your rational mind and lead you to believe something that is not necessarily true. Emotional reasoning is taking our emotions to the extreme allowing our thoughts to be solely ruled by our emotions. Some examples of emotional reasoning are I feel guilty so i must be guilty of something or i feel inadequate so i must be engaging in. Emotional reasoning means you assume that these unhealthy emotions reflect reality, mental health issues make emotional reasoning. One of the easiest distortions to fall into emotions are like the weather constantly changing. If you are having a rainy day finding shelter in someone who is supportive and willing to listen to you can be a great help getting out of an emotional reasoning. Distortion might not be easy but reaching out to a licensed. Therapist can help make a difference. Cognitive distortions can easily change your perspective but looking at the bright side you can easily change the distortion as well that is because cognitive distortions in essence are habits and the most effective way to get rid of a bad habit is by replacing it with a healthier one.