This is to spread awareness about mental health and psychology you help us make psychology and mental health more accessible to everyone. Here I give you four valuable tips to help you improve your mental health to be the best it can be.
1. Make yourself a priority :
Are you often too busy or too tired to relax and do something you actually enjoy. You may be studying or working too hard or perhaps you don't stop and take notice of what your body needs have you had a calm moment to simply breathe and wind down. Did you eat too little today, did you get enough water. You may not care about yourself enough to get a good eight glasses a day but we hear it's like to go we care about you. Neglecting self-care is detrimental to our mental health. Research has shown that what we eat affects not only our mood but how we think as well and if you don't eat enough odds are you aren't going to feel great exercise and enough sleep are also vital to our health.
2. Create positive thoughts :
Are you aware of your thoughts you may say of course i know what i'm thinking but less often. Do we actually stop to consider what it is we're thinking, what we're saying to ourselves and if it's something we'd say to others think about it are your thoughts more often positive or negative. According to a new 2020 study from psychologists at queen's university published in the journal nature communications. The average human has around 6,200 thoughts per day in another study published in the national science foundation it was found that of the thousands of thoughts each individual has per day eighty percent were negative and ninety-five percent were the exact same repetitive thoughts as the previous day. So what you're thinking about is it positive is it healthy more importantly. Is it something you would say to a friend who was worried too and looking for comfort it's always best to treat ourselves like our best friend be there to comfort yourself with positive thoughts and when in doubt with a worry try to ask yourself is this very productive.
3. Say what you feel :
Guess what there's a writer here inside your screen and she's writing to tell you it's late and she's tired. But she's feeling better now and she wanted me to let you know she's keying you into a little psychology secret expressing how you feel makes you feel better. A brain imaging study by psychologists at Ucla revealed that verbalizing our feelings makes our sadness, anger and pain less intense when we see a photograph of a fearful or angry face. We have increased activity in a region of our brain called the amygdala. This serves as a warning of danger in our brain in the study researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study subjects brain activity researchers had 30 subjects view photos of individuals making different emotional expressions. Each photo were the words angry or photos researchers found a decreased response in the amygdala when the words angry and fearful were expressed by assigning them. They did not see the reduction in the amygdala response when using the words harry and sally meaning if you put your feelings into words you feel better while the amygdala was less active. When subjects labeled a feeling the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex was more active and it makes sense why this region of the brain has been associated with thinking in words about emotional experiences.
4. Be compassionate to others :
A little compassion can go a long way wouldn't you want someone to show you a little love and kindness and i bet when you treat someone with kindness or do someone a favor. You often feel a little bit better too, don't you well there's research to support this. According to research from psychologists can lead to improved mental and physical health as well as speed up recovery from disease and brain imaging has found that providing support for others may have unique positive effects on key brain areas involved in stress and reward responses. So if research shows that a little compassion and support can predict decreased stress response in the brain and improve mental health. I'm sure they'd love to support as much as you after all what a better way to lift yourself up than to lift someone else's spirits up in the process. So will you use these tips did you find them helpful are you going to drink more water. If you find it hard to manage your life and suspect you might be suffering from an undiagnosed mental illness.